zaterdag 25 april 2015

Lily Pond CAL - Part 2.1

New week, new pattern! Though I haven't quite finished all the blocks from the first part, the second part didn't wait for me... It is a flowery square! A lot more exiting then straight rows and waves ;)

But that being said: while making it I have made every (mostly counting) mistake you can, twice -_-'

This is a real keep-your-head-together square. Not something to do while watching tv! But enjoyable, as the square build up nicely. While stitching it I thought I was totally failing it, but in the end it all came around to a nice piece of work. I still need to add some embroidered detail to the flower heart, but I will leave that till I have all four squares finished!

The square gave an opportunity for checking gauge, as I am not keeping to the tension instructions hammered onto participants by the designer (which I find very disencouraging, let alone if you are a newly crocheter! You'd think you can't do anything right, while you're doing nothing wrong!).

My square roughly fits three times into the wavey block. Which is just fine. Any length I'll fall short I will block into it ;)

Now onto stitching all other blocks and squares I've fallen behind... 2 blocks and 3 squares to go.
Progress update next week! See you then.

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